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Welcome to the Attendance Page. We are open from 8:30am - 4:00pm to help with all of your attendance needs. If you get our voicemail when you call our office, please leave a detailed message.  All calls are returned within 24 hours; please remember you have 72 hours to clear an absence.


760 726-5766 ext 61006                     Email:

● First and last name of the student
● Date of the absence/late/tardy
● Reason for the absence/late/tardy
● First and last name of the parent/guardian

Absence Policy: When a student misses school, a parent/legal guardian must call the Attendance line or submit a legal note to the Attendance office within 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) to clear the absence. Students are allowed 10 excused absences per year. If a legal note is provided, it does not count toward the 10 excused absences.

  • A legal note must be provided within 72 hours for each absence after the student has reached 10 or more excused absences.
  • When calling the Attendance line, if you have reached the voicemail, leave a detailed message regarding the reason you are calling, your name, student’s name, spelling of last name, and a telephone number as listed on Aeries Parent Portal. During school hours we retrieve all calls several times throughout the day.
  • Personal days including vacation, weddings, family events, are considered verified unexcused.

For additional attendance information please see our student handbook.